Be a d15:4 Ambassador

What is a d15:4 ambassador?

Thanks for your interest in helping the local community and helping to make a real difference! A D15:4 Ambassador will lead, recruit and train their own care group in the initiative(s) of their choice.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get in touch with D15:4 staff and become a D15:4 Ambassador.

1. Give us some info!


One of our D15:4 trainers will be in contact with you shortly after you fill out the above form. The training will be you-focused. D15:4 is not just about helping the "poor and forgotten," it is also about inspiring ordinary people to do ordinary acts of kindness and love - and in that way, none of us are ordinary (as contradicting as that seems!). 

This training will also discuss engagement protocols and how to interact in a safe and effective manner with the people your chosen initiative will serve. 


Whether it is a group of friends that want to make a difference, or other D15:4 volunteers, this is a wonderful way to bond with old friends and connect with new ones, all while spreading love and kindness to those in need!